Friday 15 March 2019

什么是 de'cleanse

提升自我健康的首部曲 – NUREOX de’CLEANSE纤维饮料,以纯天然植物成份为配方,此高纤维饮料能帮助您的身体进行代谢与排毒。
NUREOX de’CLEANSE纤维饮料糅合了维持肠道健康所需的营养,有助促进肠胃健康,平衡结肠菌群,同时以天然的方式缓解偶尔性便秘问题。
蕴含丰富的纤维质,有助提升饱足感,使您能控制食物热量的摄取,从而达到健康的体重管理。此外,它还能增强人体对饮食中营养的吸收,进而迈向更健康的体魄,更透亮 、光滑的肌肤及让身体发挥更有效的排毒功能。
除此之外,NUREOX de’CLEANSE纤维饮料选用了经精心挑选的奇异果,为您带来清新,浓郁果香的口味!
NUREOX de’CLEANSE- 赋予您内在净化,外在美丽的最佳选择!
  • 代谢净化
  • 促进肠胃健康
  • 提高营养吸收
  • 窈窕美形
  • 提升肌肤光泽

NUREOX de’CLEANSE – the first step to a healthier you. Distinctively made with all-natural plant-based ingredients, this high dietary fiber beverage helps to cleanse and detoxify your body.
NUREOX de’CLEANSE contains all the ingredients needed to promote a healthy digestive system, balance intestinal microflora and alleviate occasional constipation in a natural way.
Rich with fiber, it helps to satiate hunger, manage food and energy intake which contributes to a healthy weight management. It also enhances the absorption of nutrients from diet to improve the overall nutrition intake leading to the development of better health, a clear and smooth complexion and the removal of toxins.
On top of all the benefits, NUREOX de’CLEANSE contains specially handpicked kiwi fruits, giving you a fresh, fruity and delicious taste!

NUREOX de’CLEANSE – your perfect choice to an inner cleanse and outer beauty!
  • Cleanse and detox
  • Promotes digestive health
  • Boosts nutrient absorption
  • Stay in shape
  • Reinvigorates skin


低聚木糖/木寡糖 (益生元)
  • 有助于促进肠道健康:-
    • 抑制有害细菌
    • 降低食物中毒的风险
    • 增强抵抗力,从而减缓身体发炎
    • 确保结肠菌群的平衡
  • 促进维他命以及矿物质的营养吸收
甲壳素 和 β-葡聚糖 (植物纤维)
  • 增加粪便量
  • 预防便秘以及排便不规律的问题
  • 帮助提升及延长饱足感,从而降低食物的摄取量
  • 可吸附胆固醇以及糖份,预防以及延缓被吸收进血液中
  • 让肌肤恢复健康光泽
  • 作为抗氧化剂,它有助肌肤变得更有活力与健康

Key Ingredients 

Xylo-oligosaccharides (XOS) (Prebiotic)
  • Promotes intestinal health by: –
    • Protecting against pathogenic bacteria
    • Reducing the risk of food poisoning
    • Enhancing body’s immune system and thus reduce body’s inflammation
    • Ensuring a well-balanced colonic microflora
  • Boosts nutrient absorption of vitamins and minerals
Chitin and Beta-glucan (fiber)
  • Increase bulk stools
  • Prevent constipation and irregular stools
  • Increase satiety, feel full longer and reduce food intake
  • Bind to cholesterol and sugar, thus prevent or slowing their absorption into the blood
  • Reinvigorates the skin for a healthy glow
  • A form of antioxidant to promote younger and healthier skin


10 gm x 15 包

Net Weight 

10 gm x 15 Sachets


以 200 – 300 ml 的室温水冲泡饮用,一天一至两包。必要时,随时服用。

How to use 

Mix 1 sachet with 200 – 300 ml lukewarm water, consume 1 to 2 sachets per day or when necessary.


  • 12 岁或以上的人群
  • 不建议孕妇饮用

Suitable for 

  • 12 years old and above.
  • Not recommended to consume during pregnancy.

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