Tuesday 18 July 2017

SHS 非一般的私密保养清洁剂 Secret Hygiene Solution

女性私密处偏于弱酸且富含天然微生物, 这其中也包含益菌及有害细菌。
不良的卫生习惯, pH值过高的清洁剂或过度清洗私密处,都可能破坏乳酸杆菌 (一种益菌) 的生态环境,使酸碱值失衡。
以pH 4.5 弱酸配方打造的无皂私密保养清洁剂 (SHS), 维护私密处乳酸杆菌所需的弱酸生态环境。同时,其蕴含的益生菌与益生元更是抑制有害细菌的滋长,加强私密天然防护屏障的有效成分。
最私密的地方,需要最细致的呵护,私密保养清洁剂 (SHS)有助于洁净,保护及安抚脆弱细腻的私密肌肤,恢复天然微生物的生态平衡。


乳酸杆菌 (益生菌)

  • 维护私密处益菌所需的弱酸生态环境
  • 预防有害细菌的繁殖
  • 恢复私密处的微生态菌群平衡
  • 协助平衡阴部酸碱值
Alpha 葡低聚糖 和 菊分 (益生元)
  • 提供益菌所需的营养素
  • 促进益菌的生长

适用人群 :
  • 进入青春期后的女性
  • 孕妇不建议使用


按2 - 3 泵 的慕丝,轻抹在私密处, 然后以清水冲洗干净。每次沐浴时,均可使用。

A female vagina is slightly acidic and inhabited by a diverse of microflora, which include both friendly and harmful bacteria. To ensure an optimal vaginal health, the amount of microflora has to be balanced. But, the micro-ecological environment is very sensitive. Our lifestyle habits especially using improper cleansing products and poor personal hygiene will stimulate the overgrowth of harmful bacteria, which in turn leads to vaginal infection.

Prioritising the vaginal health of women worldwide, Return Legacy is taking feminine wash to a whole new level by introducing the Secret Hygiene Solution (SHS). Formulated with Lactobacillus Ferment Lysate (probiotic), Alpha – glucan Oligosaccharide (prebiotic) and Inulin (prebiotic), the pH 4.5 formula effectively cleans and protects the intimate area. 

Key ingredients:

Lactobacillus Ferment Lysate (Probiotic)

  • Restores the balance of microflora
  • Inhibits the overgrowth of harmful bacteria
  • Promotes a low acidic environment for friendly bacteria
  • Balance vagina’s pH level
Alpha – glucan Oligosaccharide and Inulin (Prebiotic)
  • Provide nutrient source to friendly bacteria
  • Boosts friendly bacteria in vagina

Suitable for:
  • Female adolescents and adults
  • Not recommended to use during pregnancy 

How to use 

Place 2-3 pumps of mousse on your palm and gently apply it lightly on the intimate area. Rinse thoroughly. Use daily.

  • Aqua
  • Decyl Glucoside
  • Cocamidopropyl Betaine
  • Glycerin
  • Disodium Laureth Sulfosuccinate
  • Sodium Methyl Cocoyl Taurate
  • Lactobacillus Ferment Lysate
  • Polyquaternium-39
  • Inulin
  • Propanediol
  • Coco Glucoside
  • Glyceryl Oleate
  • C12-15 Pareth-12
  • Parfum
  • Salix Alba Bark Extract
  • Alpha-glucan Oligosaccharide
  • Lactic Acid
  • Disodium EDTA

现代女性对于脸部肌肤保养相当注重,从洁面露开始,toner ,眼霜,精华液,乳液,防晒等等……保养品布满梳妆台,步骤繁复。原因是要拥有柔嫩透亮的好肤质,成为令人称羡的白皙美人。 但是调查显示超过八成左右的女性对于私密部位的了解相当贫乏,往往忽略了身体其他部位的维护,尤其是身体的私密部位─ 阴部肌肤的清洁和保养! 女性私密处是全身肌肤中角质层最薄的,所以更加需要细心呵护!在国外使用私密处保养品是非常普遍的行为,就和睡觉前要刷牙一样自然啊!!
SHS 是专研女性清洁私密处,挤出便是泡沫无需加水搓出泡沫。能给私密处最正确,最卫生和最细腻的保护

你的厕所里有没有一支私处洗护液呢 😍
推荐 sʜs 私处清爽洗护液 💦
是我每日的必用品 它可以让你保持干爽一整天🌟


传承国际以pH 4.5 弱酸配方打造的无皂私密保养清洁剂 (SHS),维护私密处乳酸杆菌所需的弱酸生态环境。同时,其蕴含的益生菌与益生元更是抑制有害细菌的滋长,加强私密天然防护屏障的有效成分。

最私密的地方,需要最细致的呵护,私密保养清洁剂 (SHS)有助于洁净,保护及安抚脆弱细腻的私密肌肤,恢复天然微生物的生态平衡。

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